Some Better Butter


Sales of peanut butter went up by nearly a fifth last year. As more of us go veggie or vegan, peanut butter is taking on a bigger role in our lives. And new brands are providing healthier options.

But is peanut butter good for us?

Yes. Peanut butter contains Vitamin E a powerful anti-oxidant, magnesium which helps build bones, potassium which your muscles like, and B6 which boosts your immune system. It also contains naturally occurring niacin and phosphorous which both help fire up metabolism. Some people even advocate peanut butter for weight loss. 

But. But. But. All peanut butters are not equal. Ye olde Skippy and Jiff are not so good. The commercial brands from my childhood – remember Goober? – are packed full of sugar and their super smooth consistency and lighter colour is made possible by artery blocking trans-fats made from the insidious palm oil. Even SunPat ain’t so great. Which is ironic, because on their own (ie. before we messed with them) nature designed peanuts to be packed full of very healthy fats. 

The trick with peanut butter then is to make sure you are just getting peanuts in there, maybe a little salt – but that’s it. As soon as you see an E number or any added sugar – you know that is not the jar for you.

Now one might think that one should skip down to Whole Foods or local farmers market and mill one’s own nuts (they are legumes really) – but that is not advised either. The twist in the plot here is that peanuts are good for us – unless they are old, mouldy or rancid and then they become carcinogenic. In other words, that communal nut grinder, with nut residue hanging around its opening, is not your friend.

Buy peanut butter from a manufacturer who is regulated. Which is a relief really because I don’t need one more thing I am supposed to make at home. 

And there is good news with regard to ready made peanut butter. There are better butters. I had one this morning. My daughter made me buy it, saying she had heard it was good. I have been away since and not thought about the newcomer to our kitchen cupboard. So when I found myself really enjoying my toast this morning – to the point where I picked up the jar and read the label, I was suprised to learn about a whole new level of peanut. 

I am now an educated peanut butter buyer. If you want the best stuff; the PB with punch, you must look for natural peanut butter made with high-oleic nuts. Natural peanut butters have a higher fibre and protein content. Higher protein means more nutritions with the result that your appetite stays sated longer. And the fibre, well you know what that’s good for. The real kicker is that high oleic peanuts tend to have 30% more monounsaturated fats than other peanuts. Monounsaturated fatty acids are associated with reducing LDL (bad cholesterol) and raising HDL (good cholesterol). That ranks them right up there with the avocado and olive oil as wonder ingredients and allows them into the hallowed halls of the Mediterranean Diet. High Oleic peanuts have also been associated with the reduction of inflammation, obesity, glucose intolerance. And they stay fresh eight times longer than other peanuts. In the UK Pip and Nut, Meridian and Whole Earth are the brands to look for. The rest of you are going to have to do some label reading.

Happy snacking.